
Seems like every new year I attempt to keep a resolution. Of course, the keyword here is “attempt.” Personally, the reason I believe that people have trouble keeping New Year’s resolutions is because they are either unobtainable or is a goal that can not be simply acquired over the course of one year. With this in mind I have chosen two simple resolutions.

My resolutions are:

1. Enhance or improve my hand writing.
2. Record daily entries in my journal.

This year might may very well be my first successful resolution to follow. Early last year I bought my first fountain pen. Since that time I have become obsessed with fountain pens. Sadly I have to find reasons to use them. I know it doesn’t make sense; however, I decided to keep a journal. Thus with the use of my collection of fountain pens i have the means and desire to fulfill and keep my resolutions for this new year.
