Are you kidding me? Although I’ve been known to do a research paper for school, yet typically I flat out refuse to do so. I’ve even suffered greatly and received some regrettable grades for it. Now that I think about it. I wonder why that is the case? I would continue to rant about this but if you’re reading this I’ll let you post your comment instead.
Currently I’m reading, “The Historian” once again. I’m undecided at the moment on which book to read next so I’ve chosen to reread this book until I make a decision. One reason I enjoy reading this book it that it has a way of working my brain (hold your laughing to yourself). I get this overwhelming sensation to go to the nearest library and stuffing my head in books and extracting all the information I can about “something.” What I would really love to do is to go somewhere I haven’t been and find a small town, find the more “established” people of that town, and interview them. Maybe I can become a Historian myself.