Fountain flowing and ink dribbles…

Well I did it. Not only did I purchase my next pen, yet at the same time I purchased my first fountain pen. I love ebay! I came across a seller that is closing down his retail shop and selling his pens at a remarkable price. The Visconti Van Gogh Midi’s color and design is fabulous. I’m so excited that I’ll probably check my mail box every day next week. Although I got a good deal on it ($68 for a $165 regular price, even on eBay) it is going to be difficult not purchasing the rollerball counterpart. While the rollerball is exceptionally affordable as well, I am going to have a hard time purchasing two pens within a week of each other. Normally I would wait for another deal, but this opportunity is rare. The rollerball version is $60 with a regular price of $145. Not only is the price tempting, yet I will have to choose between two colors. Classic black or the same color of the fountain pen I purchased. While I like the idea of having a matching pair, yet part of me wants the black. The real deal is I still need a pen to carry with me. While the fountain pen would work, I believe I may need some time adjusting to the feel of the nib.

I would like to thank, The Noble Savage, for the detail review of this line of fountain pens. I would not have been able to make a decision without his help. When I receive my pen I will post pictures of it, but in the mean time I will give you a peek of it from the eBay auction site. Visconti Van Gogh Midi


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