Looking Back…

Typically, New Years is a time of looking forward, making goals, and planning for what is to come. Well, it doesn’t hurt to have a moment of reflection and revisiting the past year. I’m not going to reflect on every detail but I will go over some of the events that probably had the biggest impact on my life. I’d like to note that it is really amazing how when you sit down to write and after all you’ve thought about what your’e going to write and then your mind is blank.

In 2009 I thought I’ve give dating a try. Yes, I actually went on a few dates. Most of them were, well all of them were first dates; however, the experience it self was enough to provide me with some comfort of knowing that I can still go on a date. I really can’t remember how long it’s been since my ex-girlfriend and I were together, but it seems like a few years at least. I bring that up because she and I didn’t really go through the whole dating ritual. Yes, I did take her out for dinner on the first date, but what I’m getting at is that we just kinda went with it. So the phrase, “I can still go on a date,” is referring to the first time I’ve had to wonder if there was going to be a second date.

Another event that stands out is when I passed College Algebra. Yes, it’s a big milestone after taking the class 3 or 4 times already. I’ve always had trouble with math. The homework is never similar to the notes in class and as much as I would love to learn hieroglyphs, some equations look exactly like that. Why I passed this time and not the previous attempts is a good question. Maybe I took the class so many times that I finally started to understand it. I will say this. Some people, like myself, could “understand” much less grasp College Algebra if was taught a bit differently. For example, provide a real application with each area of problems. I’m not saying prove to me how I can use College Algebra, but provide an application of how it is used so I understand how to understand it and apply it. Like some people say, if you don’t use it then you lose it and if you can’t apply it then you never had it.

Finally I’ll leave you with this. In 2009 I became an uncle for the first time. My sister and brother in law brought into this world a little boy named Ethan. Since I roommate with my sister and her husband I get to spend a lot of time with Ethan. He’s about 4 months old right now and nothing puts a smile on my face as quick as seeing a smile on his. He’s not my child but I think he’s already changed the way I look at life.

Well, this is my reflection over the events of 2009. Now, I look foward to 2010.
